Sgt. Fury

Defending the Universe and Backyards since 1966

Sgt. Fury 34010-1 - First available in 1966

  • One piece camo jumpsuit with a zipper down the front
  • Black boots are very similar to Steve Canyon's. Steve Canyon's boots have stitching embossed on the sides while these do not
  • Brown haired bearded mask (also came with clean shaven mask, and mustache only mask)
  • Green belt with holster
  • Green .45 automatic pistol. Also repainted and included in the Weapons Arsenal
  • Green Helmet with chin Strap. Similar to the helmet used in Marx Toys "Stoney Smith" figure. The difference is the Stoney helmet has ridges on the inside, Sgt Fury Helmet is smooth
  • Green walkie-talkie(silver antenna usually broken)
  • Green bandolier is worn across the shoulder and the grenades hang from the three loops. Tends to shrink with age
  • Green machine gun. Olive drab with sliver accents. Thomson M1A1, 45 caliber. A black version of this gun was included with the weapons arsenal
  • Green grenades (three). Olive drab plastic with silver accents. These would hang from the three loops on the bandolier by their pins, which are easily broken. These were repainted red and black and included in the Weapons Arsenal
  • Did not come in a ring version box